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PlayGround games former Devs form new Studio. Maverick Games.

Several members of Playground games have separated and started their own studio. Maverick Games.

Founded by the former creative director at PlayGround, Mike Brown, and formed the new studio with 9 others from the studio behind Forza Horizon 5.

Their mission statement on their website suggests they might have felt restricted at their previous role and are just looking for additional freedom.

‘We are a developer-first videogame studio, an environment where talented individuals are nurtured, inspired and flourish. So take risks, be curious, be creative, be bold, be innovative, be you.’

Does this mean trouble for Forza and Fable?

It’s normal for developers to move studios and with Forza Motorsports due out soon it’s unlikely these members were still required for that game. It also doesn’t appear that these developers were heavily involved in Fable. Mike lists his work with Forza only. I wouldn’t see this as a worrying sign for PlayGround’s upcoming works.

It’s a brand-new studio so we aren’t likely to hear any news about upcoming games from them any time soon. They are looking to hire another 130 members for their studio, application available on their website.

They propose to be a AAA studio but there is no indication where the funding is coming from, I’d be interested to see if they have separated from PlayGround but are still being funded by Microsoft.

Either way, it’s very exciting to have another large studio in the UK and to see what creative projects they will bring to gaming.

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