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Writer's pictureJosh Render

Chorus: Tips and Tricks

Space is certainly a terrifying prospect, especially when it's filled with weird cults and pirates. This is certainly the case in the world of Chorus, and it's one that players can get involved in. However, taking that first step can be a bit daunting so we here at Robot Republic are ready to give you new pilots some tips and tricks so you stand a chance.

Chorus is a semi-open world space flight simulator by Deep Silver, where players explore large areas completing quests and earning money to upgrade their ship. The game is more than just a shooter, however, and players will need to make use of special psychic powers to give them an edge against their enemies. We are going to be looking at combat, upgrades and quests in particular.

Dodge first, shoot second – Combat

Combat in Chorus appears quite simple at first, but there is a fair amount here that needs to be mentioned. However, the most important factor is the actual durability of your ship. While you will have shields, and they can be upgraded (more on that later), your ship is not the most durable thing in the universe. This is especially apparent in the early game where any amount of sustained fire will bring you down.

One of the strengths of the game is the feeling of momentum and speed. This is not only a factor in exploration but also in combat. The more successful pilot can dodge the shot rather than take them. Combat often becomes a mix of chasing and strafing to avoid being hit and doing as much damage as possible. There is a lock-on mechanic, but it won’t track shots so leading the opponent is important. The red circles will indicate the enemy ship that is attacking you directly, so focus on them.

The weapons available to the player all have different effects and need to be combined to get the best outcome. For instance, machine guns have the highest rate of fire and the slowest cooldown but do the least amount of damage. Meanwhile, laser weapons have the longest charge periods and do the most damage. They have a risk, however, in that each miss is felt and it becomes a real danger if played too gun-ho. It should be mentioned that the charging weapons will charge while the player is using a different gun so swap often to get the best output.

However, players have access to more than just the weapons on their ships. They also have access to a myriad of psychic powers, called rites, that can and will have a huge effect on combat. For instance, some rights allow for greater movement or stop the weapons of the enemies. Players will need to use these rites to survive some of the more chaotic battles.

A Ship is a Home – Upgrades

The main focus of the rewards system is the game's credits, which are used in the shops of the game. Players can go to their hangars and upgrade their ship in a myriad of ways, from new weapons to added shields and hull points. The number of credits that the player gets varies and the actual costs are higher than you would think. You will need to focus on what you want to upgrade, but the first few should be focused on hulls and shields.

Players can also get modules for their ships that come with several different bonuses. These modules either focus on increasing the shield's recharge rates or increasing damage output for certain weapons. Initially, players should look at where they are weakest in the game and buy modules that can improve on those weaknesses. For instance, if the player is having issues dodging then look to modules to help increase shield recharge rates and vice versa.

It should be noted that the hull and shield upgrades, as well as modules, can also be rewards for certain quests and unlocked as the story progresses. It is also important to know that the actual increase in shields and hull only occurs when the player collects three fragments. This means that just buying one won’t really give a benefit so it’s better to save up and get three in one when possible.

In Space, People give you quests – exploration

Obviously, this is an RPG as well as a shooter, at least in some ways. The main point is that players will need to explore the galaxy by making use of one of the first rites that they get access to. This is the rite of access and it has a whole bunch of uses. The main is to find items in a small area, such as credits, but it can be charged to find points of interest on the map. This is the main way that the player will find new quests and locations.

Quests vary in their concept but, for the most part, they are usually either escort, combat or races. The combat quests are often pretty simplistic and focus on attacking or surviving a group of opponents. The escort missions are more difficult and rely on the player keeping an eye on everything. The main thing to note is that the health of the ships you are guarding can vary. It is important to know what the ship can stand and to know when to focus on defence and attack.

The final mission type in the opening is races, and these have one important factor to note. You see, the races are based around moving through several different goals and overtaking the other person. However, it is easy to miss them and then you will have to turn around so it is better to restart in those scenarios. It is also important to know that the other ship can send you flying if you hit it, so don’t do that otherwise it is another restart. This can mean that races against bigger ships require some expert piloting to win (as well as a bit of luck.)

Chorus offers players a lot of variation for players and there can be a lot to take in for first-timers. However, the universe has a whole bunch of dangers that can trip first-timers up. Hopefully, these tips and tricks will make your life a little bit easier.

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