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  • Writer's pictureCJ

Xbox Design Lab is back!

Xbox Design Lab is Microsoft's customizable Xbox controller site. Which was taken down last year. Presumably due to the change of the generational guard.

Now it has returned with the new gen controller design. (Yes it's mostly the same but has shape changes and the share button).

Xbox has been a great place to have a personalised gaming experience. Offering many limited edition game based controllers and even consoles before, so the return of design labs is very welcome.

Revealed during the Xbox E3 Extended showcase last night, by Parris of Kinda Funny Games, who had made his own special controller engraved with 'Kah Cant Cook' as part of a long running friendly feud comparing BBQing skills.

The lab lets you customise just about every aspect of the controller. Allowing for some manic design choices. We, however, thought to go with something a little on brand...

You can really feel the redistribution of wealth when holding it.

Looking to make one your own, check them out here.

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