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Top Tips for Age of Mythology: Retold


Age of Mythology: Retold is a refreshed version of the classic real-time strategy game that has captivated players for years. Set in a mythical world where gods and legendary creatures come to life, the game combines historical elements with mythological lore from Greek, Egyptian, and Norse cultures. Players build civilizations, manage resources, and lead armies in epic battles while invoking the powers of their chosen deities. With enhanced graphics, improved mechanics, and additional content, Age of Mythology: Retold brings a new level of immersion and complexity to the beloved original.

Importance of Strategic Tips

In a game as multifaceted as Age of Mythology: Retold, success hinges on more than just a basic understanding of the mechanics. The complexity of the game requires players to think several steps ahead, adapt to evolving situations, and make the most of the resources and units at their disposal. Whether you’re a newcomer to the series or a seasoned veteran, having a solid grasp of strategic tips can be the difference between triumph and defeat. These tips not only enhance your gameplay experience but also elevate your competitive edge against both AI and human opponents.

Mastering Resource Management

Effective resource management is the cornerstone of success in Age of Mythology: Retold. Without a strong economic foundation, even the most skilled tacticians will find their strategies crumbling. Here are some essential tips to help you master resource management and gain an edge over your opponents.

Efficient Gathering Techniques

1. Prioritize Early Game Resources

In the early stages of the game, focus on gathering food and wood. Assign villagers to hunt animals and gather berries while building a granary close to the resources to minimize travel time. Wood is crucial for constructing buildings and training units, so ensure a steady supply by tasking villagers to chop trees near a lumber camp.

2. Optimize Villager Distribution

Balance your workforce by assigning villagers to different resources based on your immediate needs. As the game progresses, you'll need to allocate villagers to mine gold and later, to gather favor if you're playing with a civilization that requires it. Regularly check and adjust the distribution to ensure no resource is being neglected.

3. Use Upgrades Wisely

Invest in economic upgrades at the appropriate times. Early upgrades like Husbandry and Hand Axe can significantly boost your resource gathering efficiency. As you advance through the ages, continue to upgrade your resource gathering technologies to keep your economy robust and competitive.

an army at a camp

Balancing Economy and Military

1. Maintain a Healthy Economy

While it's tempting to pour all your resources into building a massive army, neglecting your economy can lead to long-term issues. Ensure a constant flow of resources by continuing to produce villagers and expand your resource gathering operations. A well-balanced economy will sustain your military efforts and allow for quick recovery if you suffer losses.

2. Strategic Resource Allocation

Allocate resources strategically between economic growth and military production. During times of peace, focus on building up your economy. When preparing for or engaging in conflict, shift resources towards military production without completely halting economic activities. This balance will keep you adaptable and resilient.

3. Defensive Structures

Invest in defensive buildings like towers and walls to protect your resource gatherers from enemy raids. A well-defended economy ensures that your resource flow remains uninterrupted, allowing you to sustain prolonged military campaigns.

Utilizing Trade Routes

1. Establish Trade Routes Early

Trade routes can become a vital source of gold, especially in longer games. Establish trade routes between your town centres or with allied players early on. The longer the trade route, the more gold you will accumulate, so plan your routes strategically to maximize profits.

2. Protect Your Traders

Traders are vulnerable to enemy attacks, so ensure their safety by building military units or defensive structures along their routes. Regularly monitor trade routes for enemy activity and adjust your defences as needed to keep your trade operations running smoothly.

3. Optimize Market Upgrades

Utilize market upgrades to enhance the efficiency of your trade routes. Upgrades such as Caravan can significantly boost the gold generated by your traders. Investing in these upgrades early can provide a substantial economic advantage as the game progresses.

Mastering resource management in Age of Mythology: Retold is about finding the right balance between gathering, allocation, and protection. By prioritizing efficient gathering techniques, maintaining a balanced economy, and utilizing trade routes effectively, you'll build a strong foundation that enables you to execute your strategies with confidence and precision.

a snowy naval army

Effective Military Strategies

In Age of Mythology: Retold, military prowess is crucial for securing victories and maintaining dominance. Here are some key strategies to help you build and manage an effective army.

1. Building a Versatile Army

Creating a well-rounded army is essential for adapting to various combat scenarios. Focus on incorporating a mix of units that can counter different threats. Infantry units, such as Hoplites or Axemen, provide a solid frontline defence, while archers and ranged units can deal significant damage from a distance. Cavalry units are excellent for flanking manoeuvres and taking down enemy archers.

Diversifying your army also means being prepared for different types of enemies. For instance, if you know your opponent relies heavily on myth units, ensure you have enough heroes who can deal bonus damage to these powerful adversaries. Keep an eye on your enemy's composition and adjust your forces accordingly.

2. Taking Advantage of Myth Units

Myth units are unique and powerful creatures that can turn the tide of battle when used effectively. Each civilization has its own set of myth units, each with special abilities that can be strategically leveraged. For example, the Norse Frost Giant can freeze enemy units, making them easy targets for your other forces. Greek Medusa can turn enemy units to stone, instantly neutralizing threats.

To maximize the potential of your myth units, use them in conjunction with your regular forces. Myth units often have abilities that can disrupt enemy formations or cause chaos, allowing your standard units to capitalize on the confusion. Remember to protect your myth units, as they are typically more vulnerable to certain types of attacks, particularly those from enemy heroes.

3. Executing Successful Raids

Raiding is an effective tactic to disrupt your opponent's economy and keep them on the defensive. Small, mobile units like cavalry or myth units with high speed can be perfect for this purpose. The goal of a raid is not necessarily to destroy the enemy but to harass and slow down their resource gathering efforts.

Target key economic structures, such as farms, gold mines, and trading routes. Consistent raiding can force your opponent to divert resources and attention away from their main strategy, giving you a strategic advantage. Additionally, it can provide valuable intel on their base layout and defensive capabilities.

When planning a raid, timing is crucial. Attack when you know your opponent is least prepared or when their main army is engaged elsewhere. Swift, hit-and-run tactics minimize your losses and maximize disruption. Always have a retreat plan to ensure your raiding party can escape if things go south.

By mastering these military strategies, you'll be better equipped to handle the diverse challenges in Age of Mythology: Retold. Balancing your forces, leveraging myth units, and executing well-timed raids will help you maintain the upper hand in any conflict.

Optimizing God Powers

In Age of Mythology: Retold, God powers are unique abilities granted to players, offering them strategic advantages that can turn the tide of a game. Learning how to optimize these powers can significantly enhance your gameplay. Here are some crucial tips for making the most out of your god powers.

Choosing the Right Deity

Choosing the right deity at the beginning of the game is a foundational decision that affects your strategy and the god powers available to you. Each major god—whether Greek, Egyptian, Norse, or Atlantean—provides a distinct set of abilities and bonuses that can cater to different playstyles.

1. Understand Your Playstyle

 Are you an aggressive player who likes to raid early and often? Zeus, with his powerful offensive capabilities, might be your go-to. Prefer a more economic and defensive approach? Consider choosing Ra for his resource-boosting powers.

2. Study the Matchup

 Pay attention to your opponent's chosen civilization and strategy. Opt for a deity whose powers can counteract their strengths. For example, if your opponent relies heavily on myth units, selecting a god with powers that disrupt or neutralize these units can give you an edge.

3. Adapt to the Map

Some god powers are more effective on specific map types. For instance, water maps might favor deities with powers that can control or enhance naval units, while gods with land-based powers excel on larger, terrestrial maps.

town centre in a snow map

Timing Your God Powers

The timing of your god powers is critical. Due to them now being reusable it's not as important to save them up as it was before, however with each use of a god power the favour cost of it will increase so keeping on top of that is key.

1. Wait for Maximum Impact

 Hold off on using your god power until it can cause the most disruption or provide the greatest benefit. For instance, using the "Earthquake" power on an enemy's well-fortified base can break their defences during a critical moment of your assault.

2. Synchronize with Your Strategy

Plan your god power usage around your overall strategy. If you're planning a major offensive, save your powers to coincide with your attack to overwhelm your opponent.

3. React to Crisis

Some god powers are best kept in reserve for emergencies. If you find your base under unexpected heavy attack, a well-timed "Lightning Storm" or "Meteor" can decimate the invading forces and give you breathing room to regroup.

Combining God Powers with Strategies

God powers are most effective when integrated seamlessly with your broader game strategy.

1. Synergize with Units

Coordinate your god powers with the strengths of your myth and human units. For instance, use "Frost" to freeze enemy units in place, allowing your ranged units to pick them off from a safe distance.

2. Layer Your Abilities:

Some god powers have synergistic effects when used together. Combining "Pestilence" to disable enemy buildings with "Fimbulwinter" to unleash wolves can create chaos in an enemy's base, disrupting their economy and defences simultaneously.

3. Plan for Counters

Be aware that your opponents can also have powerful god abilities. Plan your strategies with contingencies for counteracting their god powers. For example, if you anticipate a "Tornado" from your opponent, spread out your key buildings to minimize damage.

By mastering the selection, timing, and strategic use of God powers, you can maximize their impact and significantly boost your chances of victory in Age of Mythology: Retold. Practice these techniques to refine your skills, and soon you'll be wielding God powers with the precision and effectiveness of a true deity.

A big difference in this version of Age of Mythology is that the building of a wonder is no longer a win condition, instead it'll allow you to enter the hidden wonder age. What this will do is allow you to build additional titan gates but will also make all of your god powers significantly cheaper allowing you to use them again and again.

small village on the vinlandsaga map

Recap of the Top Tips

To briefly recap, we first delved into mastering resource management, emphasizing efficient gathering techniques, balancing your economy with your military needs, and leveraging trade routes for sustained growth. Next, we explored effective military strategies, including the importance of building a versatile army, the strategic use of myth units, and the execution of successful raids to disrupt your opponents. We then discussed the optimization of God powers, guiding you on how to choose the right deity, the critical timing of your god powers, and the art of combining these powers with your overarching strategies.


While understanding these tips is crucial, the key to success in Age of Mythology: Retold lies in consistent practice and adaptation. Each game presents unique challenges and opportunities, and only through regular play and experimentation will you hone your skills. Don't be afraid to try different strategies and learn from your victories as well as your defeats. The more you play, the better you'll understand the intricate dynamics of the game, allowing you to react swiftly and effectively to any situation.

Final Thoughts

Age of Mythology: Retold is a game that rewards strategic thinking, adaptability, and foresight. By integrating the tips discussed in this article into your gameplay, you will not only improve your chances of winning but also gain a deeper appreciation for the game's rich tactical depth. Remember, the journey to becoming a master strategist is ongoing, and each match is an opportunity to refine your approach and discover new tactics.


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