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News Bit: PS.VR2 and Horizon game

PlayStation's much anticipated new VR headset has been revealed along with a new title to play with it.

From Guerrilla and Firesprite studios, Horizon: Call of the Mountain.

See trailer below:

As for the hardware, here's the list of details we have for the headset.


Along with haptics in the 'Sense controllers'.

PlayStation VR did a decent job of bringing fairly good quality VR tech to the more casual gamer. This is where it needs to be if VR is to ever take off as more than a novelty experience. (Which I believe it will).

With the haptic controllers and OLED display, it's fair to say this is more than a 'fairly good' VR. But rather one of the more high tech out there.

No confirmation on the price tag for these. Which will really make or break VR coming to the mainstream this console generation. But we look forward to diving into our Ready Player One dystopian future.

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